Crafts and Events
Crafts and Events
Where to find us?
Přijměte od nás srdečné pozvání na 8. ročník akce „Zemědělství v Poodří 2022“, která se uskuteční 28. září 2022 od 09:00 hodin v areálu „Na Stodolní“ …
Crafts and events Workshop at the Sun
Crafts and events
Workshop at the Sun
We will show you folk crafts at your event for the public or partners. We will also provide creative workshops for children.
We will bring everything with us.
The price is usually up to CZK 2,000 per instructor + shipping. It is also possible to agree individually. We demonstrate crafts in folk clothing.
We will bring everything with us.
The price is usually up to CZK 2,000 per instructor + shipping. It is also possible to agree individually. We demonstrate crafts in folk clothing.
Folk crafts:
Spinning on a spinning wheel or without a spinning wheel
You can spin wool yarn using a
spindle or other tools.
Weaving on a loom
Simple pin strike, single leaf loom.
Simple pin strike, single leaf loom.
Wool felting
Dry felting with a felting needle even when wet using water and pressure.
Weaving wicker baskets and decorations
We use the traditional material of willow wicker,
both pre-dried and green.
Wire cutting
Wire stripping of containers, ceramics and bottles, wire jewelry.
Wire stripping of containers, ceramics and bottles, wire jewelry.
Manual shearing of sheep
Only in the spring months.
Art techniques:
Jewelry and ornaments made of beads.
Decorative wreaths
We make wreaths from natural materials, decorative according to the seasons and Advent.
Production of soaps
We produce soaps from basic soap material, dyed with aroma and felt.
Order us!
Folk crafts:
Spinning on a spinning wheel or without a spinning wheel
You can spin wool yarn using a
spindle or other tools.
Weaving on a loom
Simple pin strike, single leaf loom.
Simple pin strike, single leaf loom.
Wool felting
Dry felting with a felting needle even when wet using water and pressure.
Weaving wicker baskets and decorations
We use the traditional material of willow wicker,
both pre-dried and green.
Wire cutting
Wire stripping of containers, ceramics and bottles, wire jewelry.
Wire stripping of containers, ceramics and bottles, wire jewelry.
Manual shearing of sheep
Only in the spring months.
Art techniques:
Jewelry and ornaments made of beads.
Decorative wreaths
We make wreaths from natural materials, decorative according to the seasons and Advent.
Production of soaps
We produce soaps from basic soap material, dyed with aroma and felt.
Order us!
Programs for kindergartens and schools
“Shepherd grazed the sheep” – you will get to know the shepherd and the spinners, you will process the wool yourself and make a small decorative souvenir from the wool, and you will also sing and maybe even pet a real sheep.
The program is suitable for children in kindergarten and the first grade of primary school, duration 2 to 3 hours.
Price negotiable. Payment can be made from templates for kindergartens and elementary schools, or NGOs.
The program is suitable for children in kindergarten and the first grade of primary school, duration 2 to 3 hours.
Price negotiable. Payment can be made from templates for kindergartens and elementary schools, or NGOs.
Lidová řemesla:
Předení na kolovratu i bez kolovratu
Za požití vřetýnka či jiných pomůcek si upředete přízi z vlny.
Tkaní na stavu
Jednoduchý kolíkový stávek, jednolistý stav.
Jednoduchý kolíkový stávek, jednolistý stav.
Plstění vlny
Plstění zasucha plstící jehlou i za mokra pomocí vody a tlaku.
Pletení košíků a dekorací z proutí
Používáme tradiční materiál vrbové proutí, předsušené i zelené.
Odrátování nádob, keramiky i lahví, drátované šperky.
Odrátování nádob, keramiky i lahví, drátované šperky.
Ruční střiž oveček
Jen v jarních měsících.
Výtvarné techniky:
Šperky a ozdoby z korálků.
Výroba mýdel
Vyrábíme mýdla ze základní mýdlové hmoty, barvené o aroma i plstěné.
Ozdobné věnce
Vyrábíme věnce z přírodnin, dekorativní podle ročních období i adventní.